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The PBIS and Young Learners Series

PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

The PBIS and Young Learners series of modules is focused on implementing the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework with young children in early childhood settings through third grade. These modules may be beneficial for administrators, classroom personnel, family members and other school, program or community members who are involved in, and want to support, PBIS implementation.

To learn more about Early Childhood PBIS coaching to complement module completion for a Leadership Team, contact your regional SST consultant or

PBIS in Early Childhood: An Overview

The early years are optimal times for developing social emotional skills. The implementation of EC-PBIS (Early Childhood PBIS) with children PreK through grade 3 is built on the same multi-tiered framework foundation as the school-wide system but includes unique data systems and developmentally appropriate implementation practices for early learners.

Complimentary to the PBIS and Young Learner Series are the school-age PBIS modules. The school-age modules include some considerations for early childhood and high school, whereas the Young Learner Series provides a deeper focus on specific developmentally-appropriate implementation of PBIS for young learners. The school-age modules may still be beneficial, however, if you serve on a larger building-level or district-level team with both school-age and early childhood programs or if you are an early childhood representative on a school-age team. If interested, access the school-age PBIS trainings at

Want to know which modules address specific TFI 2.1 elements?

Take Me to the Crosswalk Table

Tier 1 Modules

YL-101: An Introduction to the Framework

This introductory module explains what Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is, why it is important, how it works, and considerations for implementing PBIS in early childhood.

YL-102: Setting the Stage for Success

This module is a resource for Leadership Teams as they develop a strong foundation for implementing the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework with a focus on relationships and environment.

YL-103: Considerations for Leadership Teams

This module is a resource for Leadership Teams as they implement TFI Features 1.1 and 1.2. This includes information on building a team, developing team roles, and creating effective operating procedures.

YL-104: Developing Expectations

This module is a resource for PBIS Leadership Teams as they implement TFI Feature 1.3 including developing culturally appropriate behavioral expectations that reflect the values and beliefs of the school and community.

YL-105: Teaching Expectations

This module is a resource for PBIS Leadership Teams as they implement TFI Feature 1.4 including the systematic approach for explicitly teaching behavioral expectations.

YL-106: Acknowledgements

This module is a resource for PBIS Leadership Teams implement TFI Feature 1.9 on how to develop a system that recognizes the positive behaviors students have learned and are demonstrating.

YL-107: Responding to Challenging Behavior

This module is a resource for PBIS Leadership Teams as they implement TFI Features 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 and 1.12 on how to develop a system to respond to challenging behavior in a developmentally appropriate manner for young children.

YL-108: Data-Based Decision-Making

This module is a resource for PBIS Leadership Teams as they implement TFI Features 1.12, 1.13, 1.4, and 1.5 on using data-based decision-making to drive the work forward, to monitor progress, and to evaluate fidelity of implementation.

Tier 2 Modules

YL-201: Are You Ready For Tier 2?

This module includes opportunities to evaluate and rate implementation progress, interact with your Action Plan, watch video-based tips for TFI features and reflect on essential components of Tier 2 planning and implementation.

YL-202: An Introduction to Tier 2

This module explains how Tier 2 fits into the PBIS tiered approach, why it is important, how it works, and considerations for implementing PBIS in early childhood. 

YL-203: Building the Tier 2 Team

Learn about Tier 2 team composition, including the roles and responsibilities of team members and the key functions of the Tier 2 team. This module also defines the problem-solving processes used to make data-based decisions.

YL-204: Student Identification

Learn how to develop a process to identify children who need additional support. This module will describe the importance of using multiple sources of data in the student identification process.

YL-205: Intervention

Learn about identifying evidence-based interventions and how to effectively and efficiently implement Tier 2 interventions that are matched to the functions of behaviors.

YL-206: Putting It ALL Together

In this module, participants will learn how to support and monitor the implementation of PBIS Tier 2 intervention practices, review and reflect on the success of the intervention, and evaluate the Tier 2 system as a whole.

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Crosswalk of EC PBIS Modules and TFI 2.1 Elements

*It is also important to note that while many modules are directly connected to certain TFI items, some TFI features are cyclical such as TFI 1.7 on professional development and TFI 1.10 and TFI 1.11 on faculty and student / family / community involvement. These TFI items are woven throughout the course and discussed in the context of different aspects of the PBIS framework.
Module TFI Features
Introduction to the Framework Information about how the content of this course walks participants through implementing the PBIS framework in a step-by-step fashion using the Tiered Fidelity Inventory, or TFI, as a guide.
Setting the Stage for Success This modules falls outside the scope of the TFI but is included in the EC Classroom Implementation Tool that includes foundational information about building relationships and designing supportive environments. These topics set the stage for success when implementing the PBIS framework and are critical when building a positive climate for students, especially young learners.
Considerations for Leadership Teams Information from TFI 1.1  and 1.2 on building a team, developing team roles, and creating effective operating procedures.
Developing Expectations Information from TFI 1.3 on developing culturally appropriate behavioral expectations that reflect the values and beliefs of the school and community.
Teaching Expectations Information from TFI 1.4 on using a systematic approach to explicitly teach behavioral expectations.
Acknowledgements Information from TFI 1.9 on how to develop a system that recognizes the positive behaviors students have learned and are demonstrating.
Responding to Challenging Behavior Information from TFI 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, and 1.12 on how to develop a system to respond to challenging behavior in a developmentally appropriate manner for young children.
Data-Based Decision-Making Information from TFI 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, and 1.15 on using data-based decision-making to drive the work forward, to monitor progress, and to evaluate fidelity of implementation.