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Implementation of Early Childhood PBIS

Ohio’s implementation of Early Childhood Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) provides a strong foundation for schools and families to support the development of young children. The systematic approach to teaching expectations, using developmentally-appropriate and equitable practices, and making decisions based upon data ensure that children have the supports they need to thrive and grow.

Systems: Supporting Staff Behavior

How things are done:

  • Team-based problem solving
  • Data-based decision making
  • Long-term sustainability

Data: Supporting Decision Making

How decisions are made:

  • Ongoing data collection and use
  • BIRs (# per day or month, activity or location, behavior, student)
  • Family and staff input, implementation data
  • Suspension or expulsion, attendance, tardies

Practices: Supporting Student Behavior

How staff interact with students:

  • Direct teaching of behavioral expectations, other essential skills (expected behavior, social skills, etc.)
  • Educational staff should consider how their instructional methods meet the cultural strengths, interests, background, and learning styles of the student
  • Ongoing reinforcement of expected behaviors
  • Using consistent, developmentally appropriate strategies to respond to students’ challenging behaviors

Outcomes: Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement