Ohio’s Early Childhood Inclusion Source For:
- Childcare professionals and early childhood educators who work with young children with disabilities
- Families of young children with disabilities
- Local and state leaders who work on behalf of young children with disabilities and their families
Do any of these sound like you? If so, the Early Childhood Inclusion Center of Excellence is here to provide you with the support and resources you need. Coming soon we will have opportunities for professional development, in-person consultation and coaching, and access to materials and equipment to create meaningful participation of all children. Learn more by using the links below!
Who We Are
The Early Childhood Inclusion Center of Excellence (CoE) emerged from a cross-sector vision for all of Ohio’s young children and families to have full access to meaningful participation where they live, play, and spend their day. Through partnerships with early childhood state, local, and community leaders and agencies, the CoE will inform policies and provide current and innovative guidance, resources, training, and practice-based consultation to early care and education professionals and families throughout the state.
The Early Childhood Inclusion Center of Excellence (CoE) is a pillar of Ohio’s PROMISE to promote resources, opportunities, and meaningful participation through support and education for all Ohio children. A pilot initiative of the CoE, Access from the Start: A Statewide Early Childhood Dissemination Network, will provide access to an extensive collection of materials and equipment to child care programs and the families they serve, as well as training and technical assistance to early care and education professionals.
Find resources related to OhioPROMISE and tailored to the needs of families.
What We Do
- Provide expertise and recommendations to state and local agencies and programs who serve young children.
- Establish and promote evidence-based best practices for early childhood inclusion.
- Build a coordinated network of accessible resources to support inclusive practices and policies.
- Use innovative strategies and technology to create ongoing products and processes that support inclusion at the local and state level.
- Create a network of highly-trained Inclusion Support Specialists.
- Provide a continuum of professional development activities for early childhood professionals and families through webinars, online training and other virtual experiences.
- Provide a wide range of information, consultation and coaching for professionals who serve young children.
- Create ways for professionals to share information, ideas, resources and learning with peers.
- Increase inclusion of children with disabilities in early childhood programs by supporting the use of adaptations and assistive technology based on each individual child’s needs.
- Distribute equipment and materials that are accessible to all children, including assistive technology.
- Maintain a statewide lending library that provides resources and equipment for early childhood inclusion.
- Provide access to state, national and international online resources.
- Use web platforms and other technology to share training resources with professionals who serve young children.
- Collect data to support coordination of consistent services for young children with disabilities and their families.
- Conduct ongoing evaluation of the Center for Excellence to ensure high quality work.
- Plan for ongoing improvement and ability to be a long-term state resource.
Bridging the continuum of inclusionary practices from early childhood to adulthood, OCALI’s Center of Excellence on Inclusive Practice will be coming soon. Select the link to subscribe and learn more.